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Friday, April 22, 2011

Sailor Moon and Code Name Sailor V Manga Pre-orders are Up!

Sailor Moon fans, you will love to hear the news that pre-orders for the re-release of the Sailor Moon manga in English and for the first time, Code Name Sailor V...are up ^_^

Click this link to view the pre-orders in my store.  The first volume of both mangas will be out some time in September, the second volumes are set to release in November.  Kodansha Comics are the people you can thank for doing what should have been done years ago.  So no more bidding on ebay for $300 copies of Mixx Sailor Moon manga.

Speaking of pricing;  I have these up for $10.99 but shipping is FREE for anyone in the US.  International customers can get them for just a $10 shipping charge  For US customers, this ends up about the same price as Amazon sells them for (unless you have Amazon Prime ^^;;) so hopefully this helps out all of the fans out there ^^

If you want to get on the waiting list for this manga and don't want to go through the store, you can email me here to get on a waiting list.  No payment necessary until they arrive ^^

Sailor Moon is officially back an who knows...maybe the anime series will get a much needed re-dub and English release of the never "officially" released  final season.
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