Sorry for the lack of updates in the past few days. I even missed the weekly Anime voice actors post, too ^ ^;;. I'll have a new post ready for next week though for anyone who was wondering.
I was taking more time in readying my escape from the 9-7 job with an increased movement in my anime sales. In other words, I was really busy shipping tons of extra items. I'm now making about double my job income (in only 8 hours work per week) thanks to everyone who is buying my anime figures. Once I hit 4x my job income...sometime in September it looks like...I can kiss the job goodbye. Since I've been trying to speed that process up, sales got a little bit much and thus I was left a few blogging days short.
Anyways, during my days away I also set up a twitter.com account and a new blog feed that shows what my status is on what I'm doing..if anyone even cares on that. The twitter account also will show the feed updates from this blog, my personal blog at charlesgaffney.com and the anime.fm feed too. If you have a twitter account, hit me up.
Another account I've been busy with is the new group called "anime bloggers" I set up on blogcatalog.com (group image above). It just started and already has 11 memebers so if you are an anime or otaku blogger, join the group and get your blog out there to the masses.
(I was also busy watching the amazing ending to Avatar this weekend..more on that later)
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