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Saturday, December 17, 2011

New Fumi Animation - Sword Attack

Not too new but it's been way too long since I've updated the blog (programming the game, did an other anime voice acting class with Edge Studios, x-mas rush with the anime figure business been keeping me busy ^^;;)

Thought I'd quickly let you all see the first true movement of Fumi in the game.  Kenneos has been great help with the art for the game thus far and I can't wait to see what Angel and Demon Fumi in-game graphic will look like.

Also, for those who still want to make some game sprites that will be in the game as either a bonus "skin" or at least displayed one way or another...there's still that contest going on...but it's ending soon and since Kenneos was the only one thus far to make any sprites...she'll by default win the prizes ^^;;

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