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Friday, October 23, 2009


For those who use Twitter, a common Friday post the trend called Follow Friday or #ff to show off people on twitter we think are cool and deserve following. I thought up of an anime equivalent called #FanServiceFriday. It's a way for us to post moments in anime when either a bad anime tries to redeem itself or a good anime adds that icing on the cake. Those nosebleed-worthy moments are part of the anime culture and I say we should get this trend started ^_^

(Note: I'll keep my fan service posts only on a PG-13 or less level as for PR reasons and to keep my twitter and other accounts safe from being banned ^^;;

Also, I wish I could take credit for this but about 6 days ago the first notion of #FanServiceFriday on twitter was by user @alainchristian. Also, the anime blog moggling.com every Friday has a Fan Service Friday post (like the picture above))

My twitter name is @princetrunks btw ^^

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