Back in the late 80's when I was no more than 7 years old, Macgyver, was one of the shows I used to watch in-between Atari 2600 and NES sessions. I do remember there being a full length feature back in the day but it looks like there actually will be a high budget movie in the next year or so. It would be cool to see Richard Dean Anderson play the part again after all these years.
For those of you that might not be old enough to remember this show; it was joked about briefly in Family Guy with Peter giving Anderson a letter with a paper clip straw and a rubber band. More on gizmodo.
(For anime fans who might be confused, this is in no relation to the anime, The Guyver)
WTF! That's just insane. But I guess Patty and Selma are in orgasmic euphoria with news like that.