Thursday, June 28, 2012

Samurai Katanako Anime Figure... Looking Awfully Familiar...

Just posted the new 7th Dragon 2020: Samurai (Katanako) 1/7 Scale Figure by Max Factory for pre-order on the store. It's a beautiful figure. Thing is, when I first saw it and since wasn't familiar with Samurai Katanako...I damn near fell out my chair. Anyone who's been to my site can see she looks an awful lot like my mascot and the main character of my game Tenshi-Oni...Fumi. Maybe a bit more slender than Fumi and her hair is a black/purple while Fumi's is a dark blue/blue yet, if one day my game not only gets completed but is a hit...i'd be honored if Max Factory and Good Smile Company would make a figure from her. Of course Fumi has three forms..this one looking like her human/normal form and then there's her angel and demon forms. As for Samurai Katanako, she's a character from the Sega RPG, 7th Dragon 2020.

For a comparison of's an image Kenneos made of Fumi that's now in the game for when Fumi does her Final Attack.

The only worry I have is that once I finally get Tenshi-Oni out and the public sees my characters..that I suddenly get tagged as some unoriginal hack akin to how Zyanga goes at things.  I'm already worried anime fans might think the game copies a bunch from the widely popular Touhou Project (having an official Touhou music artist do some of the music doesn't help quell people's suspicions ^^;;) and now some might think I made Fumi from Samurai Katanako ^^;;  Thing is... the idea for Tenshi-Oni (aka Project Fumi) has been out since 2003/ Fumi's been around much longer.  (Sure wish I got her off and the game off the ground sooner but it's happening nonetheless ^_^)

As for news on the game, since I've been a bit quiet in the blog about it, here's a brief on where it stands:

  • Level design has been programmed and is now getting the graphical touches
  • the voice acting is about half way done
  • Been working on the camera and fine tuning the game play to be more cinematic
  • Still need more (and non space) enemies but the coding for them is all practically done...more graphical work 
  • The game's HUD and score texts need polishing
  • Beta release will be at the end of July
  • The first version of the game is planned on being released in the iPhone store (just for iPhone then iPad) by the end of July....early August
  • There'll be a Free version of the game with a Story Mode*, Survival Mode and ads (but not many ads)
  • The paid version will either be $1.99 or $.99...most likely $.99.  It'll have no ads and as stages get added to the Story Mode and other features added over time...the people who get the paid version will continue to get the additional levels, story, etc...until I feel the need to create good and worthy DLC expansions..but akin to Angry levels/story will keep coming for the paid version
  • The Free version will get of course bug/graphical fixes and play dynamic upgrades but not too many new levels/ survival stages...enough to make people happy though :-)
  • *Story Mode for now won't have too much story too of now it's all in the playing and scoring..but I want a dynamic and worthy story to to go with it that can evolve and sequel with new expansions and later, DLCs
as for the similarities to Fumi...

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