Monday, April 5, 2010

Anime Figures and... Swarovski Crystals? Part 2

Swarovski fans will rejoice and anime fans might give a o_O face but as I stated last month, I've brought back to life my Swarovski line of products.  It started slow but it's about to get a BIG jump start as there are now brand new figures that have been released as of 3/29 and a little of all of them will be gracing my store ^_^

Never heard of Swarovski crystal figures?  Well, in short, they are figures, most rather small to some that get decent in size (and price ^^;), which are made almost entirely of genuine Austrian crystals.  These gems definitely fall in the "kawaii" type of figures. 

As with anything I promote in the store section of this site, they are 100% legit and brand new.  Since I run my business legitimately, these figures for now HAVE to be at the full retail price or I'd piss off the people over at Swarovski :-/  I will however offer FREE shipping to US buyers and discount shipping to international buyers so hopefully it balances the red tape there.

For those into all that is Swarovski, which some of you anime figure collectors are, here's the new lines that I should be getting in by the end of the month:

  • The Newest 2010 Lovlots, including Spike, Ziggy, Ted, etc
  • 2010 Crystal Moments, Happy Ducks and the Bejewelled Butterfly
  • The new Crystal Paradise figures (for those with a big wallet ^^;;), including the Light Topaz Seahrses and Surgeon, Scuba Blue crystals.
Here's an example of them, the Bunny Figure, Bella

Click here to view them all

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