Alter's new gem of a figure has already become a big hit. I'm a fan of Saber thanks to my fandom of Cloche (Chroche) from Ar Tonelico 2..being that they share the same English voice actress and lets not forget just the sheer cool factor of the Fate series. With requests coming in for this figure the day I got the rights to pre-order her for
my store, I just had to reserve some for my fellow Saber fans. The Good Smile company figure as well as this one by Alter are indeed very well made Saber figures. The production figure isn't out to review yet as the release date for them is around the October/November 2009 range, but Alter and GSC will most likely keep the quality the same in their final product as they usually tend to. Check out some of these images I got straight from my supplier. She's up there in price at around $100 for a 1/8th scale figure, but you know you gotta have one.
Email me for pre-orders or you can
check out her product page and do so there ^_^

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