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Monday, November 3, 2008

Anime Girl of the Day 11/03/08

Just a day before election day and like the two candidates I've been swamped with work. I have loads to do at my day job. At home I have to continue the CAS 4.0 upgrade, post more items I have and am preordering, box another bunch of figures, get my xbox 360, iPhone, and Flash development kits for my video game (yes, I can now code games for xbox; more on that later) and not to mention fix up anime.fm @_@. Good news is that even with only a 5th or so of my anime figures posted, I'm officially making the same money in my anime biz as in my job based on some major number crunching I've been doing. So, even if my boss catches me here posting this.... I can care less. It's such a great feeling to know that your job is now just extra income...next is to delete the job once and for all.

Anyways, enjoy this image that looks very similar to that old Sera-chan figure.

Posted by ShoZu

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