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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Crisis Core, Final Fantasy VII Figures

Was meaning to post this up yesterday but I was dealing with the cases upon cases of FFVII vol. 2 Play Arts figures plus other anime figures that arrived at my home ^ ^; What will be the Crisis Core, Final Fantasy VII Play Arts set, here are some pictures thanks to sdcc08.figures.com and Comic Con 08 of the upcoming Zack, Shinra Infantry Cloud and white dressed Aerith. Yes fan girls, there is a Zack figure coming out. They won't be out till around x-mas in Japan which probably means January to March here in the US ~_~. I could be wrong though...they could come sooner. Keep watching my store and here on the blog for details.

Now does anybody have a forklift? My god, I've never seen so many figures in my house 0_o

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