Sunday, February 8, 2015

Anime Shrine PodCast Episode 3: Monty Oum, Magfest and GamerGate with Special Guest, FattyJanai

In Episode 3 of our Anime Shrine Podcast, Danielle and I talk about the terrible loss of  beloved animator and fellow anime fan Monte Oum.  We also have our first guest, FattyJanai who attended the recent Magfest convention.  FattyJanai & I dive more into the SJW cult invasion of game, anime and overall media which the consumer movement #gamergate is continuing to unravel and make public in their efforts.  We discuss how the new wave of PR policing could stifle the very creativity that game devs and animators like myself and others in this field have work so hard to make mainstream after decades of religious right persecution.

(Warning: Explicit Language)

(Part 1)

(Part 2)

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