Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The New Chuck's Anime Shrine Blog

Notice the big difference today with the blog?  My push for improvements across the board for all my sites, stores and blogs continues today with the reveal of this new look and feel to the blog.  It's all HTML5/CSS3/W3C compliant*, mobile and tablet friendly and a big improvement from the older blog that was having some growing pains from the advent of social media's boom since the blog's last update back in ~2009.

 (* sadly Twitter Cards and Open Graph meta tags are so new they aren't really w3c compliant yet and Blogger's custom b: XHTML namespace isn't also w3c/HTML5 compliant I found out -_-...going to work more on that aspect as I learn to again recode these "errors" not in my control.  My goal is to eventually get the whole site w3c complaint and 100% HTML5 compliant... the latter more true than the prior though)

Due to the nature of Blogger's widgets and XHTML setup, I unfortunately can't do a 100% pure turnover and so... don't mind me as I fix up the place a bit more and iron out some CSS bugs & discrepancies.  I still have to reinstall the disqus comment system as I don't want to again have everyone's comments be lost to another update..though the template I used to get things started does wonderful comment formatting.  Also, I plan to put back the rotating fan banner since I simply love the banners you all made of our mascots over the years and want to keep them posted (and you all can submit more if you like :3)... as well as the blogroll that I welcome any anime and game-related blog/site/deviantart/pixiv site, etc to join.

Want to thank the people over at http://www.bloggertipsandtricks.net/ for the awesome template that saved me a bunch of time in setting this up.  Gotta run, still got some work to do on this and next up, Anime.fm, tenshi-oni.com and my own personal blog.

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