Thursday, March 7, 2013

Facebook Page Popularity

My goodness, I didn't think this was possible but check out what is going on over at our Facebook page o_o.

Just this time last week, the page, which understandably was created rather late in Social Media terms (something like August of last year) was only at 50 Likes / Followers to now almost 6000 followers.

It's not a bustling community with a group of new awesome anime fans to join in the ranks of fans to this site. Chuck's Anime Shrine has been around since 2002 and has had it's share of ups and downs in popularity but I just want to say how honored I am to see people coming back to us as an anime fan site ^_^  

My anime store has been a focus over the past few years but I always want to make this site more than a store (besides, the store was added later on anyways)

With this new surge of fans, it's given me the motivation to get things in gear and get some new content and reasons to visit the site ^^

Again, thank you everyone and welcome ^_^

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