Monday, April 9, 2012

The Music of Tenshi-Oni

Big news regarding our video game, Tenshi-Oni.  We have official gotten the rights directly from the artist in Japan to use some of his music in the game! ^_^  Three songs will be in the game with maybe a secret 4th song.

The artist name is Setsuna; also goes by the name: Kokuyasou (Black Funeral Night). above you can see the art to his album containing these song, MetamolphosiS ^_^  Below you can see the art to one of his latest albums, Vermillion - D allice Syndrome.  Setsuna's website can be found here:

While I was creating some J-trance play-lists for my own person listening and as a (hopefully) soon-to-be revealed section of stumbled across these stunning songs.  My fiancee Danielle has already made a few songs for the game too, with one being heard in the first demo video to the game.  Both me and her will be making some original music for the game but these songs with the gracous blessing of Setsuna will absolutely add some emotion to the game's final stages and boss battles.  

This is so exciting to announce ^_^ (be sure to check out and buy Setsuna's music).  So without further delay... here they are...

黒夜葬 - 虚華咲夜姫~コノハナノサクヤヒメ (Konohana Sakuya Hime ~ Roh Sakuya Hime Hana imaginary)

This will be Fumi's Theme


This will be Angel Fumi's theme

幻想喰礼 (Specimen - Girl)

This will be Demon Fumi's theme

This was definitely a wonderful 10th anniversary present for the website ^_^  Thanks so much Setsuna...we hope to make the game express the emotions of these songs.

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