Monday, August 8, 2011

MoeMonday 8/8/11 Tengen Toppa Madoka Magica

#MoeMonday post is back ^^ and with a hilarious crossover fan pic of Madoka doing the Giga Drill attack from Gurren Lagann.

There's lots of good stuff going on this week and I thought this pic would best explain the "let's do this!" theme of the week.  In case some of you haven't heard:

In the anime industry...
  • There will be a prequel to TTGL about the Spiral King's story
  • Supposed DBZ-Kai-like redo of Sailor Moon is in the works
In Chuck's Anime Shrine news...
  • The old Cafe Press shop from 2003 has been redone (more even better news for fans on that)
  • "Project Fumi" game and story finally has an official name.
  • Tomorrow I'll be heading to Edge Studios to ready my anime/video game voice demo... who knows, maybe I'll be part of the dubbing of the TTGL Prequel in the next year or so ^^
Row, Row Fight the Power!
...(and no contract yet please)

(more TTGL /Madoka crossover goodness found here)

(update...check out the Madoka scaled figure that might be up in the store as early s tomorrow ^^ )

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