Friday, August 26, 2011

FanserviceFriday 8/26/11 Windy

#FanserviceFriday is back this week.  Here's an image where the wind caused the fan service moment. 

Yes, I know, I'm terrible.  I'm right in the center of Long Island and so we are suppose to get the full force of Hurricane Irene, the first hurricane to hit here since 1985's Gloria back when I was merely 1 1/2 y/o.  The storm is something to be serious about, but not panicky about.  Take a deep breath, joke and relax about the storm.  I'm holding the fort with the anime figure inventory.  The girls shall be safe -_- 

There's a good chance power will be out here Sunday and shipments might not start again until Tuesday or Wednesday ^^;;;

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