Thursday, June 23, 2011

Korean Dramas At Chuck's Anime Shrine

Not too long ago, we here at Chuck's Anime Shrine started working directly with YA Entertainment to sell Korean Drama DVDs. ^_^

Many of us anime fans are also big fans of Korean live action drama series and if you haven't got into them yet, you really should.  Some series, like Mischievous Kiss, are based directly off of manga and anime.

K-Dramas can be funny, sad, thoughtful, serious and sometimes...all of that all at once in the span of a few episodes ^^;;.  K-Dramas can also be hard to find (at least here in the states).  You won't be able to walk into a Walmart, Target or Best Buy and find a too much of or Korean dramas on the shelves.  They are available online to some capacity but eventually the (legit) places you can go to watch them, will stop streaming in those cases, buying them on DVD might be the best choice if there's a series you simply adore.

With this partnership, we can add little perks to the DVDs, like free posters or even free sample episodes of other series with every purchase.  I hope to make this addition to the anime store section of the site a great one for you, the fans ^_^ and of course thank you YA Entertainment for this opportunity.

Currently we have a handful of series available.  Click here to view the entire section of available DVDs.  As of this posting, we have Tree of Heaven,  Jumong, Air City and just in... Prosecutor Princess and  My Girlfriend is a Gumiho.

 If there's any series that are in the YA Entertainment catalog that I don't have and you want...feel free to ask and I'll try to get them for you ^_^

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