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Monday, June 27, 2011

Banning Violent Video Games To Minors... Against The First Amendment

Great news for gamers for game makers here in the US.  The Supreme court actually went the path of common sense and voted 7-2 against the banning of violent video games.

Listen,  I, like many, can't stand when I'm playing Gears of War and I hear an 8 year old on the other end...but the jurisdiction of what games should be played need to be in the hands of parents.  Most new parents today are children of the 80's and 90's and we should be well aware what video games are, the fact that their benefits outweigh the negatives and they should know what games might just be too much for their kids right now.

If you are a parent of young children right now and you are completely oblivious about video games...well, you are probably oblivious about many other things in this world as well and need a quick lesson in responsibility.  Like another important, yet commonsensical ruling, this is good news indeed.

 Now Cole..teach some of these non-participating parents how it's done...like you did to Sarah Palin.
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