Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Mascot and Fan Artist Pages Are (Finally) Up

It took me until now to get the time at night to do the work needed (^^;;) but I finally created the mascot page and the fan artist page for contestants of last July's banner/logo contest.  For those whom I have their work up, if there's any links you want me to put up in order to help promote your work, let me know.  For those who maybe want to be on these can submit your fan art of our mascots to me using the email above and I'll more than likely add you ^^.  There's no new contest yet but in the next few weeks...there probably will be.

Definitely been a long time since we first created our mascots in 2003...but better late than never ^^;

(amazing Yumi and Chuck Doll picture by Tommy E.)

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