Thursday, March 10, 2011

Chuck's Anime Shrine Turns 9 Years Old Today

Today is the 9th anniversary of this site's beginning ^_^  This day back in 2002 I purchased the rights to and slapped the first version of the site I built during my senior year in High School onto my first web host's server.  I'm always so grateful for you all, the fans of this site and here's to another 9+ years.  I hope to make this site more worth the visit.  With the Fumi game finally in production and with the possibility of me being an anime voice actor this year...I might have some interesting things to come for the 10th year of Chuck's Anime Shrine.  My fiancee Danielle left a cute birthday wish for the site over at the new Kawaii Blog of the site ^^

(today also marks the 4th anniversary of the anime store and the 3rd year anniversary of my acquisition of  Also, today I partnered with YA Entertainment to offer Korean Drama DVDs ^^..more on that in a few days or so. )

(image above, a special image of Yumi by Kenneos)

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