Wow, pardon the lack of blog posts everybody. Been having a hectic couple of weeks. The anime figure business has been taking most of my time and add that with a terrible, terrible migraine that nearly hospitalized me...and you have the recent lack of updates ^^;;
No matter what you celebrate (or don't celebrate) hope you all are having a great end of the year. I want to use this post to do one of 3 three things, 1) Let you know the blog/site isn't dead ^^; 2) Wish you happy holidays ^^ and 3) update you on what is eventually to come...although I probably have stated these in the past as "pending"
First update to note, for all you figure collectors you might see that I have added a number of new anime figure pre-orders, including the loooooong awaited figma Mirai from Danny Choo. Speaking of Danny Choo, I hear that people from his site are coming hear ^_^ Hope my store and site can be of use to you and yes..I sell the legit anime figures...though Danny has yet to add me to his list; all of those stores had to pay Danny to be there..I'm not at that position yet. This, even-though Danny did want to nab my domain,
Next update to note, I promised back in July after the banner contest I did, I'll make a page for the artists...I still will do that for you guys and I really apologies for the delay. On a similar note, I wish to do another contest...probably after x-mas time. This contest will most likely tie into the mascots Fumi, Yumi and Lily again. Reason being, Danielle and I will finally be getting a Mac for the holidays which will allow me to create iPhone apps as well as:
- Create Flash animations again
- maybe make AMVs again...though they would have to be not on youtube an just on :-( Youtube is getting disgustingly pointless for AMVs especially with the whole fair use clause apparently not taken into notion. I probably will use Youtube though to display future anime and non-anime related animations I make...because I can't copyright infringe myself.
- upload my anime voice acting demo. (yes for those who didn't know, I have been legitimately trained to do anime and video game dubbing) Doing more original work though (like the Flash animations noted prior) will only aid that..and who knows, I might be dubbing in a 2011 or 2012 anime. Yes, I'm aware of the dub vers sub war and no I will not do fan dubbing will kill any chance I have to be an anime voice actor; trust me.
- Getting back to drawing. Yes, way back in 2001-2002 I used to draw fan art...I'm nowhere near as talented as my banner artists but I do plan on getting up to par soon.
- Video game creation. For the most of my life I have been wanting to design video games and with the day job not taking up my time and my anime business now the main focus... expect (finally) my video game about Fumi to be previewed. Actually, game sprites / art for Fumi will probably be the next contest, so all of you who entered the contest last time, and new might want to jump on this bandwagon ^^
- Doing something with The site has been just a bland template...I have been wanting to legitimately add an anime radio station there (but that's lots of $$) or maybe just port the member's blog there. ANy ideas, you can let me know. I know some people have been asking me "I want to buy from you"...but has appraised it at $30, unless you have big bucks...sorry, is under my control. I do wish to make it a good spot for anime though.
- More anime sanctuary pages. I dropped the ball on making more of these but I plan on doing so. Those sanctuary pages are what this site was stared as.. a shrine to anime. I want to eventually add as many series as possible or make that part of the site a wiki. Not certain yet but I'll be working on it.
- A better AMV section. I should have done this all of last year but this part of the site is what initially brought fame o the site in the days before youtube....I do wish to modern that section up (with probably those Flash animations added to there).
- Create something special for this site's 10th anniversary. Yep, in March of 2012, this sit will be 10 years old ^_^ I don't know yet but I want to do something special for the 10th anniversary...probably something related to Fumi, Yumi and Lily (and the iPhone/mobile devices)
- Continue non-anime related stuff on I've become very much into reddit as of the past couple of months and there always stuff on my mind that isn't always anime related. You can follow me on there and (other sites like digg and businessweek) Granted, I'm a bit different on those sites, I'm not the happy-go-lucky emoticon guy you might see here on CAS... just be aware of that ^^;;
- Fix the blog roll, make it automated. has fallen to the way side and have many of your websites some of you have linked to me -_- I'll aim at making the blog roll a locally controlled entity and make it where you can submit you links (moderation from bad stuff of course -_-)
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