Monday, May 3, 2010

Kotobukiya Announces Otacool 3 Submissions

As a distributor in Kotobukiya products, it's probably good for me to announce what Dannychoo got first dibs in talking about and that's the supremely awesome Otacool books.  For those not up to speed on these, Otacool is a book showcasing the various sides of the anime fan life.  The first volume covered anime rooms, the second volume (which just got released) covered cosplayers.  The third volume will cover your work spaces.  Pictured above is part of my work space though not the greatest photo -_- (the other half of my workspace is my storage area with $1,000s in anime figures, cosplay, etc.)

Koto is also planning to give away some really cool prizes for some of the entries that they get, but one thing that's pretty cool about this book is that you will most likely see your submission in the final printing...just make sure your photos are good and you get in quick ^^;;

Check out the post by Danny Choo on what to do and the prizes involved.

I have about 3 copies of Otacool 2 left in the store, so if want your copy...better get them quick ^^;

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