Saturday, March 6, 2010

New Blog Format and Location

Ok, some of you are probably going "What the hell?!" (or maybe "cool, nice new setup")

Well, Google decided to start phasing out FTP based blogs on blogger. This has caused headaches to many of us bloggers who've been doing this for a few years and before their new code formats.

Anyways, the blog is now located at AND I used this time to completely redo and upgrade the blog's look and feel.

New features:

  • a more organized and stylized look..even with a bunch of new stuff
  • Featured slide show for new, important posts
  • a Video Tab on the main page for us to show off fan AMVs, our AMVs and other stuff from mine or other YouTubers
  • Better exposure for the Member's blog and store products
  • Related posts at the end of a post content (been wanting that feature for so long)
  • the ability to go back and forth through blog posts (for some reason blogger never let me have this till the code re-do -_-)
There's still some bugs and kinks in the system that I have to iron out and I still need to do this to the Member's blog but hope you all like this.

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