Sunday, January 3, 2010

2009 Anime In Review Podcast

That's right everybody,  I was a guest in another cool podcast.  This one on Otaku In Review with Scott SpazianiJon Ingoglia, and Tim Maughan. The subject of course reviewing the anime of 2009.  A bunch of new series came up this year and if you are a fan of Moe, it was definitely your year.

Sadly for me it was a busy year due to my anime figure business on the grow and my efforts to shield myself from the sh*%-storm known as the US Economy so oddly anime business (as well as a needed stay in the p/t job -_-) kept my anime viewing to a minimum  I have been watching the newer box sets of Yu Yu Hagasho and the recently released box sets of Romeo X Juliet..of which I mention in the podcast.  Sadly, though Romeo X Juliet's box sets got released here just in wasn't exactly considered 2009 anime ^^;;  A great list to check out would be on Jon's  Series for this year included To Love Ru, Sora no Otoshimono,Valkyria Chronicles, K-On, Sora wo Kakeru Shoujo (Sora Kake Girl) and Chi's New Address...just to name a few.

Check out the podcast here.  It will undoubtedly be added to my podcast page

Got a favorite anime from 2009? Discuss it in the comments below of course ^^

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