Friday, December 19, 2008

Anime Ringtones

Ringtones tend to always be a hassle; from the payment to getting the file right and for us otaku, getting a ringtone we like. Well, I finally today added a custom ringtone to my iPhone and its none other than "Koi no Mikuru Densetsu" Yes, I'm most definitely copying Lucky Star's Konata with that one. Granted, there are a slew of way to get ringtones but here's how I did it for free.

First I went to and downloaded the song.

Then I went to and I used the cool UI they have there in creating the right format for my iPhone.

I just opened iTunes, added the file to my library and added it to my phone.

Cool stuff. Thanks to the owner of anigame-ringtones. Now I can confuse the heck out of my friends and family when someone calls me ^_^;;

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