Sunday, November 16, 2008

An Otaku on Party 105

I'm a few days late on posting this but on Thursday Danielle and I went to a neat event hosted by one the local radio stations here, Party 105. as some of you might have remembered from the past posts, we became finalists for the "Get Hitched on the House" contest where we could have gotten our wedding for free.  I do thank some of the fans here for the votes but unfortunatly we didn't win.  The winning couple got over 1100 votes which I would assume was waaaay more than what we got. No matter.  It was a cool event were we were able to mingle with some of the radio celebes here.  Danielle and I did mangae to grab a quick spot on the radio though.  Three couples were chosen to answer this question during Nikki At Night's Lady's Lounge; "Do you kiss on the first date."  We were the last couple to answer and while the other couples stated that th guy tryed, I just said "She kissed me."  All in all in was cool to get a few seconds on the radio.  It's true  Danielle actually kissed me on the first date. I guess I should ask you guys this qustion, do you kiss on the first date? 

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