Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Vote for an Otaku Wedding

Normally I don't do these kind of post but I feel this would be a good way to get some help. As of last x-mas, some of you might have known that Danielle and I got engaged after being together since a few weeks after I started this site back in March 2002. A radio station I listen to here on the island, Party 105 has a contest to pay for a couple's entire wedding. We have entered the contest and are one of the many couples up for grabs to get our wedding payed for.

In order to win, we need as many votes as possible. If possible, I'm asking the readers of this blog to kindly put their name in the ballot to help us out. Being able to win this contest would help us big time in our quest to quit our day jobs and to have all our focus be on the anime site and business and not some stupid, mindless camera store site or Bob's Stores (Danielle's current job).

As a promise to the fans, I will be setting up contests for free figures and other cool stuff, plus making the site look much much better than ever before. If I can expand the store even more than the recent $40,000 pre-order (that I still need to post in the store ^^) I'm going to probably do something that no other anime store can do; and that is give free (good) manga with every figure purchase. I haven't set up things yet with my dealers but the possiblity is very real. This and many other things I still have in the backburner can be closer to achieveing if Danielle and I get our wedding paid for so, in a rare post as this is,

Vote for us Here on to help us win a free wedding.
We are couple # 61

Any and all votes will be greatly appreciated and we will bring this site into the limelight for all the fans might see us in Otaku USA Magazine in the coming months ^_^

(...also, don't mind how weird I look in that photo...its the image size and my weird smile. ^^)


  1. The hillbilly towns in NC aren't as bad as you may think... of course selling anime down there would be a hard thing to live off of.

  2. true, its probably lets stressful and with the characters in this town of Selden, probably smarter people there as well. The anime figures might now be as bad since I'm online. My reasoning for that comment was because here on Long Island sadly many young people can't live here since realtors ripped everyone off by making the prices of even the smallest homes $250K or higher ;-/
