Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Haruhi Suzumiya - Hare Hare Yukai Dance Contest

Just reminding everyone about the Hare Hare Yukai Dance Contest I'm doing. The goal is to mimic the dance done at the end of the episodes The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. As you can easily see on Youtube, people copying this dance has been a craze for a number of months in Japan. Whether you are from Japan or wherever, submit your video's youtube link of you doing this dance and the best ones will be voted on in January (sorry, I had to extend the time). The winner will get to pick one Haruhi Suzumiya figure of their choice from the anime store. I'll probably give some cool stuff for the runners up too. I have one entry already so have fun. Here's the dance below.


  1. I'll see if I can do this too

  2. Very good song. the bridging of two musical section. Great performance. Looking forward to buying CDs on 11th singer. hope you know who it is :D
    oh my site is http://hare-hare-yukai.blogspot.com

  3. I missed this contest by a year TT_TT

  4. I missed this contest by a year TT_TT
