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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Last Minute X-Mas Anime Figures

Christmas is almost here and before you know it, it'll be 2010, too. Some of you might know that the anime figure business doesn't always match up with the holiday season. A large amount of new figures don't seem to get released to the states until around January or early February. Why? I'm not sure, but luck would have it that I'm actually getting a LARGE shipment of both new and even long out-dated figures.  Some figures were scheduled for late January/February 2010...but are actually running early ^^...

They won't be in until around Thursday December 17th but with X-mas just two weeks away, I'd think it would be best to get the word out so they can be shipped asap to make it for x-mas day. Here's a list of them:
(* means the item is an out of production/ hard to find figure)

...phew; that's a huge list.  Some might not have the links posted; that's either because they sold out or I just didn't get to list them yet ^^;;  If you want anything, you can shop through the store or email me what you'd like.

Don't fret, ALL are the real deal.  No bootlegs on my watch -_-

Pardon the rather commercial post this time but I thought letting you guys know I'm getting THIS many figures in before Christmas would be something you'd all want to know about.
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